श्लोक ८
भवान् भीष्मश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्च समितिञ्जयः ।
अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च ।।
अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च ।।
आप - द्रोणाचार्य और पितामह भीष्म तथा कर्ण और संग्राम विजयी कृपाचार्य तथा वैसे ही अश्वत्थामा, विकर्ण और सोमदत्त का पुत्र भूरिश्रवा ।।
Sanjaya continues :
" There are personalities like yourself, Bhisma, Karna, Kripa, Ashvatthama, Vikarna, and the son of Somadatta called Bhurishrava, and who are always victorious in battle. "
" Duryodhana mentioned the exceptional heroes in the battle, all of whom are ever - victorious. Vikarna is the brother of Duryodhana, Asvatthama is the son of Droncharya, and Saumadatti, or Bhurishrava, is the son of the king of the Bahlikas. Karna is the half brother of Arjuna, as he was born of Kunti before her marriage with King Pandu. Kripacharya married the twin sisters of Dronacharya. "
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